
“The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Exodus 14:14

Our latest

  • Past The Point Of Brokeness
    This blog hits very close to home and is very personal to me and my family. Something I did not want to share but what is the point of having a testimony and not using it? Broken means to be violently shattered into different parts. Shattered means to damage badly and to ruin. This is… Read more: Past The Point Of Brokeness
  • 19 Days
    19 days until I say goodbye to a piece of me forever. Goodbye to Something that has caused my body pain and injured me not only physically but mentally. A piece of my anatomy that should never have caused this havoc within me. For I was sewn into myself within my mother’s womb. This is… Read more: 19 Days
  • Affirmations in Adversity
    Here we are in February the month of love. I feel as if 2024 my faith, love and appreciation have been accelerated in growth. The past three months have been very hard on my faith, marriage and family. I won’t address everything for the fear of overwhelming you my dear reader, so let’s start off… Read more: Affirmations in Adversity
  • Life on the Front Lines
    Hello there! My name is Chris Hopkins, and I’m a long time friend of Kristen and Stephen. In fact, I’ve known both of them longer than they’ve known each other, which I think is pretty cool! A few important details about myself that you might like to know: I graduated from James Madison University (JMU)… Read more: Life on the Front Lines
  • Python
    I’ve been reading a book called The Spirit of Python by Jentezen Franklin. It is very well written and concise on how the devil comes in trying to squeeze the breath out of you. This month has been filled with so many challenges and attacks from the enemy it’s almost to the point that all… Read more: Python
  • Dream Dreams
    As Thanksgiving approaches I was trying to come up with a topic to write about entertaining the holiday but alas I could not come up with anything, writer’s block if you will. As I thought about what to write, nothing would come to mind hence the late publication. Then one night I had a dream.… Read more: Dream Dreams
  • Get Up
    “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” Mark 1:35 ESV In the word of God it is mentioned how long and exhausting Jesus’ days were. His days were filled many miracles, healing the sick, removing evil spirits,… Read more: Get Up
  • Humility- Asking for Help
    I hesitate writing this blog topic because it is a very fresh lesson I am learning. The past few weeks I have retreated into my own world, not caring about others or the way I treated them. I was becoming self absorbed by my own circumstance once again. Circumstance being my body wreaking havoc on… Read more: Humility- Asking for Help
  • Life After Death
    Life is full of deaths. Death can come in many forms: physical, spiritual, friendships, and relationships. Each has an integral part of life. Physical This past year I have seen and heard many people pass away, many being too young to die and others old enough that they truly experienced life. I think about when… Read more: Life After Death
  • Tidbits To Savor
    When Kristen invited me to write on her blog; I said absolutely, Yes! Then the doubts starting setting in. Hold on a minute; what are you going to write about, does anyone want to read what you write, perhaps you have nothing to say. Oh, that devil can be a sneaky one. I am sharing… Read more: Tidbits To Savor
  • He Walks In The Garden
    One day I was working in the garden, not too long ago, and I stopped to look around at the plants that I had sowed and I just noticed so many blooms, bugs, and weeds. I noticed how different the buds were from the squash, and the cucumber, and how different the Japanese beetle was… Read more: He Walks In The Garden
  • No Meter la Palabra en Mi Boca
    This phrase in Spanish roughly translates to “don’t put words in my mouth.” I remember the beginnings of my adult life. I was put in a situation where someone said I was wrong for a remark that I made and in order to solve it between the other person and me, they said I had… Read more: No Meter la Palabra en Mi Boca
  • Exercise – Mind Heart and Body
    Most everyone could argue one’s health is important. We need to stimulate and work our minds and bodies. Unfortunately most people dismiss the importance of it. “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to… Read more: Exercise – Mind Heart and Body
  • Isolation
    Birthdays are supposed to be a joyous day, but for some it stands as a reminder that another year has passed and nothing in their lives has changed. I recently celebrated another year of my life, and I could not help but allow a peculiar thought to come into my mind. Why am I wanting… Read more: Isolation
  • The In-between
    I often think there’s a hard line between faith and reality. I have faith that God can heal on this earth but in reality we don’t know His big picture. This, I believe, is where a lot of people get stuck. If people say they do have faith sometimes it’s not always walked out. This… Read more: The In-between
  • Might we Dare to Dream
    What a whirlwind life is. I have been MIA for a few months now, as I took some time to reflect on my own life. I want to ask you how is your well-being? Well-being means the state of being comfortable, happy, or healthy. How happy are you with your current circumstances? 2022 was probably… Read more: Might we Dare to Dream
  • The Poppy and Its Eternal Perspective
    Ah, yes the poppy flower is our subject of scrutiny today. It has a bright red exterior with a dark and broody center. As we all know almost every flower has its own meaning. Consolation, remembrance, and death/eternal sleep to name a few of the poppy’s. It was after World War 1 when the poppy… Read more: The Poppy and Its Eternal Perspective
  • Then Comes Deliverance
    I started writing a blog a couple months ago and it was very negative, transparent, and overwhelming. I was essentially writing down everything that I had been storing deep down within me thinking it would resolve itself. I became ensnared by my thoughts and feelings. I was unhappy and felt like I was in an… Read more: Then Comes Deliverance
  • Jehovah Nissi
    I have a family that has always been close and tightly knit together. We have open communication and will put our family’s needs over our own. Lately we have been facing spiritual battles one after another. They can be really big and some can be small, but it has been constant. Just when we thought… Read more: Jehovah Nissi
  • Gratitude Will change Your Attitude
    Recently I have received a prayer journal and it has the question: what are you grateful for today? Sometimes I’m quick to write an answer and other days it takes me a good 20 minutes to think of something. The other micro blogs I have done were while I was in the thick of it… Read more: Gratitude Will change Your Attitude
  • When You Hurt I Hurt
    Life isn’t easy and when you have added stress in your life it makes it even harder for you, and your loved ones. For when one person hurts so does the other. This hurt can be emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical. In some cases all of the above. A lot of the time when we… Read more: When You Hurt I Hurt
  • When We Take Life for Granted
    You live your life day in and day out, without the second thought of it changing the next day, week, year, or even second. I remember what my life was like before I got diagnosed with UC and it was amazing. I sadly took it for granted. I used to be so full of life… Read more: When We Take Life for Granted
  • Until Pride Do We Part
    Pride is a very corruptive thing to have in ones life. It will take root and destroy one’s relationship with people and God. Pride can be very obvious to see in others, but often difficult to recognize in ones own life. Self awareness, and willingness to let the Lord reveal is important to rid one… Read more: Until Pride Do We Part
  • Surrender Your Will
    I had shared in my first blog about how my father committed suicide when I was 8 years old. He left my mother in a hard position when it came to our finances, because previous to his suicide he had lost his job. My mom had to worry about paying for two cars, a house,… Read more: Surrender Your Will
  • 10 Things Every Leader Needs
    1. Every Leader Needs a Sabbath Having a Sabbath basically means to be abstinent from work. Put your mind, body, and spirit at rest. If one does not have rest they are not prepared physically, spiritually, or mentally to handle a situation that comes with being a leader. Whether it be someone’s listening ear, or… Read more: 10 Things Every Leader Needs
  • Focus On The Purpose
    Isolation Purpose is something I seriously struggled with. This past year has been rough with my faith because of my disease. It caused me to become anxious and depressed. If any of you have experienced these things you know how alone and useless your life feels. I felt like no one knew what I was… Read more: Focus On The Purpose
  • Broken Down and Tired
    Unpredictability. That’s what I think of when I hear about UC. You don’t know when you’re going to have good or bad days. You don’t know when you’ll have another date with your significant other. You don’t know when you’ll be able to drive a few minutes just to see family without having to stop… Read more: Broken Down and Tired
  • A Little Bit About me
    Hello! I’m Kristen and it’s such a pleasure to be here with you all. I’m a Christian, wife, IBD warrior, and all in all a raw human being. I’m so ecstatic to start this blog and have real honest content to give insight or even just brighten someone’s day. I’m excited to see where this… Read more: A Little Bit About me
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