When You Hurt I Hurt

Life isn’t easy and when you have added stress in your life it makes it even harder for you, and your loved ones. For when one person hurts so does the other.

This hurt can be emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical. In some cases all of the above.

A lot of the time when we are struggling we think we are in it alone, but that truly is not the case. I feel as if I bring up my autoimmune disease too much, but this helps me to learn life lessons that could possibly help others. So bear with me as I share another story about my life.

In the beginning of 2021 I experienced the worst flare up I had ever had. Mind you my husband had never truly experienced one of my UC flare ups. He saw me lose weight, constantly throw up, be doped up on high medications, and truly not leave my bed for 14+ hours. He was struggling seeing me so frail, as much as I was struggling being frail. He told me after we got through it that he was constantly scared and worried for me.

“It was rough, I was scared to go to sleep. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Stephen McNew

I was hurting physically, and Stephen was hurting just as much mentally and emotionally. I say mentally because we all know when we are not feeling well that we are not the most pleasant people to be around.

Another instance is when my husband and I were moving later on this year and I was determined to do it all alone. Just me and him, no one else, not even our parents. I was hurting in this instance because I felt like I had lost some of my independence. So I wanted to be independent and be able to move our whole house by myself. This was a horrible idea. Having an autoimmune disease takes a lot from you. I used to be naturally very strong and workout when I felt motivated. This is not the case anymore. I have lost quite a bit of my physical strength and brawn, but still haven’t lost my good looks.

Both my family and my husband’s family saw and knew this, but I was continually telling them that they could not help. I was hurting mentally thinking that I had lost some independence. Both of our families were hurting because they saw me struggling with that, and could not do anything about it. By the end we managed to get everything in our old house onto a trailer to drive to the new place. This took place late at night, because of my stubbornness and not wanting help. I was covered in bruises and body aches. By the time we made it to the new place I was so worn out that I had to give up moving the heavy stuff and let my father-in-law do the heavy lifting with my husband.

Sadly I did not realize at the time that I was robbing my family of a blessing. For the Word says,


Our families love me and all they were trying to do was help, and I robbed them of that. When you put these verses into practice you will learn to love just as God loves us. You give your time and effort, and in exchange it makes you selfless. Can you believe I robbed them of that? All because I was being selfish and irrational. Do not let your own insecurities affect the way you treat people, and do not allow it to get in the way when people want help in times of need. No one can do life alone, it is okay to need help. Do not rob yourself of the blessing people want to give you, and don’t rob them of the blessing the Lord wants to give them through helping you.

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