Gratitude Will change Your Attitude

Recently I have received a prayer journal and it has the question: what are you grateful for today? Sometimes I’m quick to write an answer and other days it takes me a good 20 minutes to think of something. The other micro blogs I have done were while I was in the thick of it with my illness. If you would have asked me what I was grateful for I probably would not have had an answer back then. Currently I’m not on any medications for my illness and have really been focusing on building my good gut bacteria, which has helped immensely. I’m able to do a lot of things I wasn’t able to do a couple of months ago. I still have a rough day sometimes, but I have improved. With this new found good health I have, why is it so hard for me to think of something to be grateful for?

I have really put some thought into that question and it is just a distraction from the enemy. Sure I’m not feeling bad physically but there can be so much chaos in my life if I choose to see it that way. I Am human and a lot of the time all I see is chaos. I see my finances draining as my future home is being built, I see my friend group growing smaller and smaller, I see an anxious spirit try to crawl its way back into my life, and I see the strain of thinking on these things affect my marriage. The devil likes to deceive you into thinking there is so much wrong in your life, in reality it’s probably the most blessed it has been.

Perspective on how you view your “chaos” can affect the altitude of your gratitude. I can say thank you God you have allowed us to build a forever home, thank you God that you are showing me my true friends, thank you God that you gave me a spirit of power, love and self-discipline, and most of all thank you I have a wonderful communicative marriage.

“Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be blessed.”

Deuteronomy 28:6

I’m so blessed. Sometimes you need to speak it into existence. I was attending church one day while I was still struggling physically, someone approached me and said that I need to stop asking God for healing and just start thanking Him for it. This practice I started was basically meditating on my healing not my illness. Like I said earlier, I am human. I focus and meditate on chaos. That is all I was doing. Not truly meditating on wellness. Just sit down and meditate on giving your chaos to God and thank Him for taking it. Bring perspective into the picture and turn your situation around. I started to do this and Lord behold I started to get well again. Speak it into existence, whatever it is whether it be healing, peace, blessings, favor, anything there are no limits on the Lord.

You are blessed and always have something to be grateful for. On days when it takes me a few minutes to think of something I’m grateful for, I look outside and I revel in the beauty God has put out there for me to see. Thank you God for this lovely winter morning, thank you for waking me up, thank you for the warm home I have, and thank you Lord for the air in my lungs. Practice the spirit of gratitude because it will change your attitude.

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