
  • Past The Point Of Brokeness

    This blog hits very close to home and is very personal to me and my family. Something I did not want to share but what is the point of having a testimony and not using it? Broken means to be violently shattered into different parts. Shattered means to damage badly and to ruin. This is…

  • 19 Days

    19 days until I say goodbye to a piece of me forever. Goodbye to Something that has caused my body pain and injured me not only physically but mentally. A piece of my anatomy that should never have caused this havoc within me. For I was sewn into myself within my mother’s womb. This is…

  • Affirmations in Adversity

    Here we are in February the month of love. I feel as if 2024 my faith, love and appreciation have been accelerated in growth. The past three months have been very hard on my faith, marriage and family. I won’t address everything for the fear of overwhelming you my dear reader, so let’s start off…

  • Life on the Front Lines

    Hello there! My name is Chris Hopkins, and I’m a long time friend of Kristen and Stephen. In fact, I’ve known both of them longer than they’ve known each other, which I think is pretty cool! A few important details about myself that you might like to know: I graduated from James Madison University (JMU)…

  • Python

    I’ve been reading a book called The Spirit of Python by Jentezen Franklin. It is very well written and concise on how the devil comes in trying to squeeze the breath out of you. This month has been filled with so many challenges and attacks from the enemy it’s almost to the point that all…

  • Dream Dreams

    As Thanksgiving approaches I was trying to come up with a topic to write about entertaining the holiday but alas I could not come up with anything, writer’s block if you will. As I thought about what to write, nothing would come to mind hence the late publication. Then one night I had a dream.…

  • Get Up

    “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” Mark 1:35 ESV In the word of God it is mentioned how long and exhausting Jesus’ days were. His days were filled many miracles, healing the sick, removing evil spirits,…

  • Humility- Asking for Help

    I hesitate writing this blog topic because it is a very fresh lesson I am learning. The past few weeks I have retreated into my own world, not caring about others or the way I treated them. I was becoming self absorbed by my own circumstance once again. Circumstance being my body wreaking havoc on…

  • Life After Death

    Life is full of deaths. Death can come in many forms: physical, spiritual, friendships, and relationships. Each has an integral part of life. Physical This past year I have seen and heard many people pass away, many being too young to die and others old enough that they truly experienced life. I think about when…

  • Tidbits To Savor

    When Kristen invited me to write on her blog; I said absolutely, Yes! Then the doubts starting setting in. Hold on a minute; what are you going to write about, does anyone want to read what you write, perhaps you have nothing to say. Oh, that devil can be a sneaky one. I am sharing…

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